Senin, 05 Desember 2011

History of the Islamic Calendar

In the Islamic calendar was initiated by the Caliph Umar Bin Khattab. The name is used as the beginning of the Hijri Islamic calendar starts from the event hijrahnya Prophet Muhammad and his companions from Mecca to Yathrib in 622 AD Yathrib was later renamed Medina.

The first month in the Islamic or Hijri calendar is the month Muharrom. The reason is because the moon was a lot of things or activities that are forbidden. For example, make war or dispute.

In the Koran, said muharrom called twice ie on QS al-Baqoroh, 2: 85 and Q.S. al-An `am, 6: 139.

Calculations using the lunar Hijri. Early appearance of the moon (hilal) begins when the sun sets in the west (it is time for maghrib). So the beginning of the month or day, according to Islam is the arrival time of maghrib, not at 00.00.

The word "month" which refers to celestial bodies, in Arabic is "al-Qomar", so called Hijri Year Qomariyah.

The number of months of the year are as set forth in the twelve QS at-Tawbah, 9: 36. While the 1 Muharrom year 1 AH coincided with July 16, 622 AD.

Responding to Substitution Hijri Year

There is no solid foundation, either in the form of verse or hadith shohih about the existence of a special ritual of the turn of the year AH. The existence among certain Islamic rituals, such as reading late and early prayer, rosary prayers, dhikr together, mujahadah, etc. is a charity that is not exemplified sholih Prophet Muhammad. Not perform the ritual is not sinful. If you do so solely because "mumpung" new year, then extend to acts in vain because the Prophet did not exemplified. If you do so without any intent associated with the turn of the Hijri year including doing pious deeds.

The logic of the truth that there are no rituals that the Prophet exemplified in turn welcome the new year or the coming of Islam is that when the Islamic year (AH) is determined, the Prophet was dead. Automatically, if it is said that there Shari'a of the Prophet in welcoming the new Hijri year is unreasonable.

Law Gives New Hijri Year Greetings

There is no basis to congratulate the new Hijri year. If a person gets or congratulations Hijri new year, then say, "May God give you and your kindness to make it as a year of goodness and blessings." However, it is not justified if it start your own greeting.

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