UFO = unit flying object, its not only exist in movies. In Indonesia, the emergence of the UFO phenomenon also existed. Hollywood movies educate us to connect the crop circle, or circle patternthat emerged in the plantation / field / fields, with the arrival ofaliens.
So when the patterns of circles appeared in a rice field in Sleman, Yogyakarta, on Sunday, January 23, 2011, the peoplewere in an uproar.
Is it true that aliens stopped at Sleman and leave a trail?
A farmer named Tukiman finding patterns that circle on Sunday morning. The next day, the police have limited area of a circlepattern with a diameter of 70 meters that use a yellow ribbon. TNIalso participate send a helicopter to take pictures from the air.
Communities around Yogyakarta immediately gathered to see the direct "footprint" aliens. One man even died when he saw a circular pattern. He slipped while climbing a slippery hill due torain just to see a circular pattern.
A similar pattern emerged plants a week later in HamletKumbangan, Magelang.
Lapan investigators later concluded that the pattern of fields it is man made. The reason, there are rice-paddy are trampled anduprooted by the perpetrators as 'making' circular pattern. Theyalso concluded that the patterns of these plants can be easily created using a rope.
A collection of students from Gadjah Mada University has claimed responsibility for making the pattern of this plant, but nofull explanation.
In May 2011, a new crop circle appeared again larger in Jakarta,West Java. This time, it is unclear who is responsible for thepattern of 90 meters in diameter
[from Yahoo.co.id]
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