Minggu, 27 November 2011

Treating Insomnia Disease

Usually people who have trouble sleeping because there is a conflict of life or severe intra psychic conflict and unresolved. Every night is a torment to come. However, there are people who do not have a problem or conflict but still it is difficult to sleep. Then, how to solve them?

There are a few tips to overcome insomnia,

1. Exercising every morning

2. Avoid food and drink too much before bed

3. Sleep in a comfortable environment

4. Limit drinks that are stimulants or drinks that make awake such as tea, coffee, alcohol, and smoking
5. Take a warm bath before going to bed one

6. Perform regular relaxation activities, listening to music, practicing breathing, meditation will make the body relaxed and casual

7. Clear your mind and get rid of any anxiety or fear, and so on

For people who suffer from insomnia, lack of movement causes the activity of energy and consequently does not go all out during the night have trouble sleeping.
One important tips anymore, that you pray to God before sleeping. Please be able to sleep soundly and wake up feeling refreshed. Believe me, God is hearing our prayers.

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